digraph G {
0 [labelType="html" label="<br><b>AdaptiveSparkPlan</b><br><br>"];
subgraph cluster1 {
label="WholeStageCodegen (4)\n \nduration: 0 ms";
2 [labelType="html" label="<b>HashAggregate</b><br><br>time in aggregation build: 0 ms<br>number of output rows: 1"];
3 [labelType="html" label="<b>Exchange</b><br><br>shuffle records written: 1<br>local merged chunks fetched: 0<br>shuffle write time total (min, med, max (stageId: taskId))<br>0 ms (0 ms, 0 ms, 0 ms (stage 1048.0: task 705))<br>remote merged bytes read: 0.0 B<br>local merged blocks fetched: 0<br>corrupt merged block chunks: 0<br>remote merged reqs duration: 0 ms<br>remote merged blocks fetched: 0<br>records read: 1<br>local bytes read: 59.0 B<br>fetch wait time: 0 ms<br>remote bytes read: 0.0 B<br>merged fetch fallback count: 0<br>local blocks read: 1<br>remote merged chunks fetched: 0<br>remote blocks read: 0<br>data size total (min, med, max (stageId: taskId))<br>16.0 B (0.0 B, 16.0 B, 16.0 B (stage 1048.0: task 705))<br>local merged bytes read: 0.0 B<br>number of partitions: 1<br>remote reqs duration: 0 ms<br>remote bytes read to disk: 0.0 B<br>shuffle bytes written total (min, med, max (stageId: taskId))<br>59.0 B (0.0 B, 59.0 B, 59.0 B (stage 1048.0: task 705))"];
subgraph cluster4 {
label="WholeStageCodegen (3)\n \nduration: 0 ms";
5 [labelType="html" label="<b>HashAggregate</b><br><br>time in aggregation build: 0 ms<br>number of output rows: 1"];
6 [labelType="html" label="<br><b>Project</b><br><br>"];
7 [labelType="html" label="<b>BroadcastHashJoin</b><br><br>number of output rows: 1"];
8 [labelType="html" label="<b>AQEShuffleRead</b><br><br>number of partitions: 1"];
9 [labelType="html" label="<b>Exchange</b><br><br>shuffle records written: 1<br>local merged chunks fetched: 0<br>shuffle write time total (min, med, max (stageId: taskId))<br>2 ms (0 ms, 2 ms, 2 ms (stage 1042.0: task 701))<br>remote merged bytes read: 0.0 B<br>local merged blocks fetched: 0<br>corrupt merged block chunks: 0<br>remote merged reqs duration: 0 ms<br>remote merged blocks fetched: 0<br>records read: 1<br>local bytes read: 84.0 B<br>fetch wait time: 0 ms<br>remote bytes read: 0.0 B<br>merged fetch fallback count: 0<br>local blocks read: 1<br>remote merged chunks fetched: 0<br>remote blocks read: 0<br>data size total (min, med, max (stageId: taskId))<br>40.0 B (0.0 B, 40.0 B, 40.0 B (stage 1042.0: task 701))<br>local merged bytes read: 0.0 B<br>number of partitions: 200<br>remote reqs duration: 0 ms<br>remote bytes read to disk: 0.0 B<br>shuffle bytes written total (min, med, max (stageId: taskId))<br>84.0 B (0.0 B, 84.0 B, 84.0 B (stage 1042.0: task 701))"];
subgraph cluster10 {
label="WholeStageCodegen (1)\n \nduration: 2 ms";
11 [labelType="html" label="<b>Scan JDBCRelation(\"SDATA_YEWU\".\"t_materials_list\") [numPartitions=1] </b><br><br>number of output rows: 1"];
12 [labelType="html" label="<b>BroadcastExchange</b><br><br>time to broadcast: 3 ms<br>time to build: 6 ms<br>time to collect: 44 ms<br>number of output rows: 1<br>data size: 32.0 MiB"];
13 [labelType="html" label="<b>AQEShuffleRead</b><br><br>number of partitions: 1"];
14 [labelType="html" label="<b>Exchange</b><br><br>shuffle records written: 1<br>local merged chunks fetched: 0<br>shuffle write time total (min, med, max (stageId: taskId))<br>2 ms (0 ms, 2 ms, 2 ms (stage 1043.0: task 702))<br>remote merged bytes read: 0.0 B<br>local merged blocks fetched: 0<br>corrupt merged block chunks: 0<br>remote merged reqs duration: 0 ms<br>remote merged blocks fetched: 0<br>records read: 1<br>local bytes read: 84.0 B<br>fetch wait time: 0 ms<br>remote bytes read: 0.0 B<br>merged fetch fallback count: 0<br>local blocks read: 1<br>remote merged chunks fetched: 0<br>remote blocks read: 0<br>data size total (min, med, max (stageId: taskId))<br>40.0 B (0.0 B, 40.0 B, 40.0 B (stage 1043.0: task 702))<br>local merged bytes read: 0.0 B<br>number of partitions: 200<br>remote reqs duration: 0 ms<br>remote bytes read to disk: 0.0 B<br>shuffle bytes written total (min, med, max (stageId: taskId))<br>84.0 B (0.0 B, 84.0 B, 84.0 B (stage 1043.0: task 702))"];
subgraph cluster15 {
label="WholeStageCodegen (2)\n \nduration: 2 ms";
16 [labelType="html" label="<b>Scan JDBCRelation(\"SDATA_YEWU\".\"t_bpbjgl_warning_configure\") [numPartitions=1] </b><br><br>number of output rows: 1"];
AdaptiveSparkPlan isFinalPlan=true
HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[count(1)])
WholeStageCodegen (4)
Exchange SinglePartition, ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=14007]
HashAggregate(keys=[], functions=[partial_count(1)])
BroadcastHashJoin [data_id#39722], [material_number#39888], LeftOuter, BuildRight, false
WholeStageCodegen (3)
AQEShuffleRead local
Exchange hashpartitioning(data_id#39722, 200), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=13879]
Scan JDBCRelation("SDATA_YEWU"."t_materials_list") [numPartitions=1] [data_id#39722] PushedFilters: [], ReadSchema: struct<data_id:string>
WholeStageCodegen (1)
BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMode(List(input[0, string, true]),false), [plan_id=13961]
AQEShuffleRead local
Exchange hashpartitioning(material_number#39888, 200), ENSURE_REQUIREMENTS, [plan_id=13886]
Scan JDBCRelation("SDATA_YEWU"."t_bpbjgl_warning_configure") [numPartitions=1] [material_number#39888] PushedFilters: [*IsNotNull(material_number)], ReadSchema: struct<material_number:string>
WholeStageCodegen (2)