Details for Query 419

  • Submitted Time: 2025/03/15 00:05:38
  • Duration: 55 ms
  • Succeeded Jobs: 796 797 
Show the Stage ID and Task ID that corresponds to the max metric
WholeStageCodegen (2) duration: 0 msWholeStageCodegen (1) duration: 3 ms



time in aggregation build: 0 ms
number of output rows: 1

shuffle records written: 1
local merged chunks fetched: 0
shuffle write time total (min, med, max )
0 ms (0 ms, 0 ms, 0 ms )
remote merged bytes read: 0.0 B
local merged blocks fetched: 0
corrupt merged block chunks: 0
remote merged reqs duration: 0 ms
remote merged blocks fetched: 0
records read: 1
local bytes read: 59.0 B
fetch wait time: 0 ms
remote bytes read: 0.0 B
merged fetch fallback count: 0
local blocks read: 1
remote merged chunks fetched: 0
remote blocks read: 0
data size total (min, med, max )
16.0 B (0.0 B, 16.0 B, 16.0 B )
local merged bytes read: 0.0 B
number of partitions: 1
remote reqs duration: 0 ms
remote bytes read to disk: 0.0 B
shuffle bytes written total (min, med, max )
59.0 B (0.0 B, 59.0 B, 59.0 B )

time in aggregation build: 3 ms
number of output rows: 1

number of output rows: 3
number of input batches: 1
Scan parquet

number of files read: 1
scan time: 2 ms
metadata time: 0 ms
size of files read: 9.9 KiB
number of output rows: 3